Monday, December 1, 2008

Lobster Dinner!!! yesterday morning our nieghbor, my host father's brother, asks, "Do you like lobster?" And I answered something long the lines that I have only had it a few times in my life. So he asks, "Would you like to try it again?" Of course, I answer, yes. So he hands me a plastic bag with a huge lobster in it. I didn't even realize how large it was!!!

So here is the finished product. It was very tasty and we still have more. I am not even sure how much this would cost in the U.S. I asked my host Mom to put her hand in the picture to show you some scale. Cool huh??!?! I think that would be what, $50??? And how much did it cost me? A Thank YOu and a smile!!! Oh amazing you can be!!

My host mother prepares it and here is the product:

This one is of me....My friend, Alyssa, is copped out becuase she is VERY topless and I didn't think she would like me putting up her tuttus on the internet!! I mean, unless she was going to get paif of course!! Just kiddin'! So this is another swear in pic where I am in full Yapese dress!

Finally, this is what I see when I sleep!! Can you see yourself?!?! If not, send me a picture!! My address is right on this blog!! Get going!!
School is going well. Soon I will take pictures of students, the school, the view, the teachers, and my library project. It's's SO much harder than teaching in the U.S. I am working much harder but the kids are trying. I am also starting some work on the banjo so hopefully, I will be able to play soon. Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show makes me smile sadly. That song really makes me miss NC!! I hope you all are well there!!
Much love,
Also, as an aside I just finished reading, Their Eyes Were Watching God. Wow...that book is should read it!


Unknown said...

DEVIN!!! Amazing pics - you are SOOOO hot in your Yapese gear! Too bad you cut out those tutus... ;)

So awesome you're reading Their Eyes Are Watching God... one of my favs!

Tell me - do you have access to any titles for your library? Librarian at my school is preparing a list... LOVE you lots!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Devin, still trying to get a comment to you. Let me know if this come thru' GS