Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Day...another ____________.

Went to my school yesterday...what a blast! Only about 150 students total..in the whole school!!!!! About 37 5th graders. We'll see how things go? Will I be mean Mr. Smith (the hated or sometimes loved chemistry teacher persona) or nice Mr. Smith....oh who am I kidding?!? There is so nice Mr. Smith!! HA!

Things are good. I miss my friends so very much. My family has been great taking care of so many things while I am away. Swear in soon...with thu and my white legs blazing like the sun.

I love you all!!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally...an update!!

So...I sit here on Sunday night...at 6:30ish...finally, I can update my blog with a little justice.

So much has happened here recently and I don't have my personal journal..so it will just have to do that I give as much info as I can.

I live with a great family!!! I have two brothers that are a riot. I will not give names and such..but just know...they are both younger and make me laugh. My host father is funny too. He combs his hair and checks it closely in the mirror just as my own father did...so it makes me smile to no end when we whips out a comb and two mirrors (so he can check the back). My host Mom, in my opinion, is best of all. She is just so so so funny!! She tells all kinds of stories and is very animated it makes me laugh. I constantly remind her to speak to me in Yapese.

Speaking of which...2---Language
Could this language get any harder? There are 12 people in this langauge as opposed to the 6 in English. It's a stuggle but it's coming along rather nicely. There are so many time when we use the "ng" sound--Think...ng as in song. ..Now try to make that noise at the start of a word...Lord help me!!

3--Home Life
Ok...so when I first set off to Micronesia I heard that we would be taking "bucket showers". What this entails is literally pouring water on yourself, soaping or shampooing, then washing it all off by pouring another bucket of water on yourself. For those of you that know me...you are proabaly laughing. But...I say...I LOVE the bucket shower. It is great! Now that I am not in Pohnpei I can actually get naked in the shower (which has no door...but that's OK) and wash myself!! It's hot and humid here...so after a long day not much can beat a good bucket shower. It's true I tell you!!

I have setup my room...and it's cozy. Windows are right there at the front to let in breezes as well as light! The bed is a little to small for me. Imagine my feet sticking through the slats at the bottom...but it has worked so far. I also have setup my travel hammock on the porch which has been so great...thank you Nora!! I feel asleep it in today as I read, nothing better I tell you (except a bucket shower)!!

The food is good. I eat vegetables, rice, fish, or something similar everyday. There will be a rice shortage soon so not much more rice in the near future. But...we also eat crab. I never really ate crab in the U.S. or fish for that matter...but it's what we have here...and it's been damn good!! Last night, in the dark...we went hunting for crab!!! It was pretty amazing. We are going through the Yapese darkness and low and behold we see these crabs around here and there. The trick is...you step on it to nullify the pinchers...claws..whatever...and pick it up from the back where it can't pinch you. Drop it in a burlap sack...and bam! you got good eatin'!!

To cook it we use our outside kitchen (Ta'ang--sounds like tong). You make a fire and cook it. Yes..it was SO smoky..but the good think about that...no mosquitos!!

Work has been pretty slow for me! Language training is hard and there aren't too many resources so Yapese seems impossible to learn. Especially since everyone here seems to have a good grasp on Enligh. Technical traning makes me want to die a little inside. I have taught before...as all of you know...so learning how to write a lesson plans makes me want to pull out my teeth with rusty disease covered pliers. But...everyone is trying to keep it interesting..and I am trying to add my input. Soon I will visit the school where I will work...and that will refresh me!

6---Life in general so far
It's great here. It's funny being the center of attention. Being so tall, so fair..with a huge tattoo and a crazy, hipster haircut has made me the source of conversation. People comment on hair here too. It makes me laugh...good hair is universal....cha-ching! The island is so clean..and the people are so friendly that is makes it hard to stay in a bad mood. Right now, I yearn for a purpose...something to do other than read. I am on my 5th book already!! Going from American time to Island time is a rough transition. I miss all my friends and family without which, none of this could have been possible. I try to keep it positive...but there are times when I want to see all of you so badly!! Know that I miss you but I am ok...and for the Moms out there..especially mine...I am eating well!!!

7---Lastly---The To Do List--

I have some things that while in Yap..I feel I have to do..you might laugh at some...but I will just list them now and explain them when they happen:

-Spear Fish
-Make a raft
-Learn to climb a coconut tree
-Weave a basket
-Sail on a traditional canoe
-Prepare hibicus bark to wear
-Wood craving
-Make Nu-Nus -Flower Leis
-Buy and learn to use a machete (ninja style optional)

See I have lots to do. Know that I miss you all and pictures will come as soon as I can arrage it.

Much love,