Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is coming...

A few things:

Had a Chirstmas party yesterday! Great fun...I took some pictures, ate SO much food that I had to nap afterwards, and had ice cream! So that was good fun for all!

Also, my little "nephew" sees me in my favorite striped shirt and asks, "That shirt is for training, right?!" So I say, "No...what do you mean?" He replies, "You you're in prison...that's a shirt for prison people." I just had to laugh. I love that shirt..and now it's going to make me smile even more.

Also the other day I ask where is my host brother. My newphew replies, "He's playing basketball!" Then he starts SINGING..."He's playing basketballlllll. He's playing basketballlllll." Then he starts the rap part in perfect Enlgish. HAHA! It was great!!

He is so excited about Christmas. I really want to be back in NC for X-mas..but know that I love you all and I miss you all!

I also got a bike here in Yap...good price..good deal. I am hoping to rent Batman: The Dark Knight tonight and watch with my family. I am still adjusting to my new home so letter writing and general communication will be a little slow over the holidays. I will get back to writing letters very soon. I just have to find my stride.

Gotta Run,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad to hear there is joy and fun for Christmas in Yap! And a bike - AWESOME!!! Now you can sell yourself easier =) Thanks for sharing these little snippets of your Yapese life - they really help me get a better picture of what it's like there. Love you!