Thursday, December 25, 2008

More Christmas Pics

Here are a few more views of what I am living in:

This is a view out directly outside my room. We go out into the Yapese sunshine...or rain. Nice, huh?

Here is my pillow and all my can see the outside from here. A lot of this stuff is remnant of the last person that lived there.

My towels and the long red thing is my thuw! You can see my banjo case there too.

Bed, sitting chair, windows, concete's nice! Get a little muggy when is rains, but it's home!

This is the Christmas present my Aunt Barbara sent to me. It had all sorts of good stuff inside! Thanks, ABC!

1 comment:

GransFlask said...

Mogethin Devin!

I just discovered your blog by a path too circuitous to relate, but I'm glad I did. As someone who was a PCV on Yap many, many, MANY years ago, I know what Christmas there can be like. Sleigh bells, I'm guessing, are not ringing.

I haven't had a chance to read all of your posts, but I will. In the meantime, I can tell you that the "bucket bath" reference struck a particularly sympathetic chord. Except that in my day, it wasn't a bucket, it was a coffee can. There'd be this big 55-gallon drum can full of water, with about a 6-inch-deep layer of mosquito larvae on top, and you'd dip your coffee can down under the larvae, trying to get mostly water and then toss it all over yourself. It was surprising how cold warm water could feel in the tropics. Also how quickly you could get used to the larvae washing over you. Oh yeah, good times.

I live in New York City now, but I have Carolina roots (undergrad at Duke; grad at Chapel Hill). I'm going there tomorrow to visit family and friends. If you're teaching on Yap, you probably know Stan Retogral, who's also a Carolina fan (he went to college in Murfreesboro, I think). When Stan was in elementary school on Woleai, he was a student of my friend Mike Lemont, who was in the Peace Corps group before mine.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello, congratulations, and thanks for the work you're doing. If there's anything special I can get you from Amazon as a New Year's gift, one former PCV to a current one, let me know.

Kafel and best wishes,

Frank Glass