Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally, PICTURES!!!!

This one is my in a already had the back is the front.

A rainbow in Pohnpei...In fact, I saw a rainbow yesterday before it rained ALL over my and soaked me to the bone!!!!

This is a picture from staging. There 27 smiling faces. You can't see me becuase I am taking the picture. The picture with me in it was too blurry to see. There are also our two trainers...which both were awesome!!

My mom wanted this picture up. A friend of ours, Dale, gave me this version of a Thai thuw. I forgot the name.

This is where I went cliff diving in Pohnpei. When I say diving maybe it was only 8 feet in the air...but it was scary enough for me!!!

So everyone...I have finally learned how to use a computer here...and I have lots of pictures. I won't go into too much explantion...just know....Things are going well here.

Know too, that I love and miss you all!!!

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