Tuesday, November 4, 2008


A New President!!!! YAY!! I had to write on this historic day! All the Peace Corps Trainees where anxiously awaiting to see who our next President would be...and it was Obama! Again..this blog is my own...not Peace Corps or U.S. Government. I would just like to say how PERSONALLY, I am so very happy with the outcome! It just such a historic day, time, event...and this will be one of those, "Where were you when_______"?

A few of us went out and had a beer and just smiled as we watched CNN and saw the results come in slowly but surely. I am also SO happy to say that North Carolina was a close race. As of now I don't know who won NC. I just looked on Yahoo and it said it was 50/50. That is so awesome for a state that is typically red!!!

Anyway, tomorrow I should have some pictures up on the blog. Trying to make it a little more Crazy, Wild, and Interesting as it's title denotes.

Again, know that I miss everyone!!! Things are going well...we swear in...in about two weeks from now. We will be going local--girls--topless--boys--thuw (long cloth, similar to a sorong/sari--I don't know the difference). I will have pictures of that no worries!! Sarah, another Volunteer, already has pictures of me rocking a thuw to the beach. You'll see soon..I know all of you can't wait!

Much love from Yap!!

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