Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guess Who Is A Volunteer Now?!!?

V. in her attire
Me. In my attire!

All the Yap Volunteers and our new country director.

Me and our dance instructor/language teacher...she has been awesome!!

Hey everyone,

Yay!! I did it. I am finally a Peace Corps Volunteer. Things are great. I will start at the school on Monday. We danced, we gave an introduction in Yapese, and we ate and laughed. We will have a video up soon. I am going to post some picutres in this blog to show you the super traditional clothing we wore.

I have to admit that I teared up when we gave our Oath. I felt a sense of patriotism that was so strong and so sure. To swear to defend our nation, America, it feels good. Also, to know that I am trying my best to dispel the notions that people have of's a task that I am up to and really want to do well.

Anyway, enough with my sapiness. Finally, I am a real Volunteer!! I will start to teach soon and the place where I have moved to, is AMAZING. It's right on the Pacific Ocean. Pictures will come soon.

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

You look JUST like a native ;)

Unknown said...

why do you look bigger than when you lived here eating taco bell all the time? xo.