Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Oh Coconuts!! What Can't You Do?!?

So..it's been a little while since my last blog. Things are ok. Still having some rough spots. I really miss everyone and I am trying to fight the urge to come home. Nothing is wrong or bad here...I don't want to give that impression. That are just some cultural differences that I don't know if I can overcome...AND...the fact is, I MISS ALL OF YOU!

I know, I know...it's part of the process. I have lived in NC my whole life. So to come out here when my life was really good!! I mean REALLY good! Sometimes, I want to kick myself. I don't regret coming here at all. Yet, I do miss my friends and family very much. Sometimes it's just easier to escape home than to escape here!

But...today...I have some fun stories for you. I don't know if I have said...but I teach 7th and 8th grade science here. I teach the two seventh graders by myself....which is fine. Recently, I have been bored with my own class. I wasn't really seeing WHY we were studying the things in the curriculum and was fed up. So I said to the kids, "Hey...pick anything out of this book...and I will teach you! Anything at all is fine...just talk together and pick."

So...they picked plants and plant reproduction. I have no idea why...but it was a great start to energize us! What better place to study about seeds than the place that contains the biggest seeds on the planet!?!?! Coconuts!

Here is the fun part (even though I was already having fun): We went outside and found two hardened coconuts called marow (MAR-OWW). I found a machete. Odly enough, we have those at schools and kids bring knives everyday! I asked the students to cut the coconut in half. I knew he could do it better than me...I have tired...it takes me FOREVER. Every other Peace Corps too for that of you that are thinking of smart-ass comments!

Well...this kid takes this coconut and positions it...the WHHHHAMMM!! He brings that machete down like a rocket! He turns it over....WHHHHAMMMM!!! The coconut was pretty much open...he just pried it open a little! It was AMAZING!! He does the same thing with that other coconut that has a leafy seedling coming off of it! It was crazy!!!! So...we sat there and I explain to them about seed coats, food for seeds, water, etc. And they got it. Afterwards, we ate the coconut!

I also got a letter from my family asking about fishing here and they wanted to know if the Yapese use rope. The answer is, yes! Not only do they use rope...it's made from............you guessed it......coconuts!! I haven't seen it made...but it's used everywhere!

Also, we use coconut oil for our hair, cooking, skin, dancing. If you have seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding when they father always says, "Put some Windex on it!" Well Yapese say, "Just put coconut oil on it!" I am not kidding everything!!! "Mom!! I have a sunburn!!!" She replies, "Put some coconut oil on it." "Mr hair is dry!!" They reply, " Put some coconut oil on it!!" "I have an earache!!" "Put some coconut oil in your ear!!" It's funny!!

Dancing the coconut oil is mixed with turmeric and applied all over the body. When it's done to a white person they look kinda green and weird...but to a Yapese....their skin turn golden and shines brilliantly!! It's hard not to stare....even though that is a BIG no-no here!

I also see kids with coconut everyday: It's what they feed the pigs! When I asked where I could find a coconut for class the lady asked me, "Are you doing to feed the pigs or the dogs?" For a minute, I had no idea what she was talking about!

Last night, I bought some chicken from our family store to cook. I wasn't sure how I was going to prepare it....so I asked my brother to help me BBQ. Guess what the charcoal was......you are SO smart.....coconut!!! Let me tell you...that chicken was good!

My favorite use of the coconut is they hollow out a coconut shell and use it to drink out it. For example. For New Year we had a party and I drank some coconut alcohol something...called tuba. It tastes a little eggy...but it's made from and drank out of out favorite seed!! It's kinda strong too and will give you a buzz quickly! mmmmmMMMMmmm!

And drinking....coconuts in a different stage are used to drink. If you have diarrhea...you take this coconut called an uchub (ew-chew-b). You cut it off the tree...cut a hold in it...and drink the coconut water inside. It's better than Pedia-lyte!! It's also really fatty!!! One glass has maybe double the calories on a can of Coke!

Even our dog is named after coconut!!! So...to all coconuts: I love you!! At first I only thought you were the stuff of Almond Joy....but I have come to realize that you are a treasure among seeds!! Coconut.....my hat goes off to you!!

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