Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who Doesn't Love Katy Perry?!!?

Gosh..I have so many things to blog about!!

First...let me share how super BUTCH I am (only to shoot it down later)! Yesterday, we went out to some of our family land to "clean". Now, for you Americans, cleaning in Yap does not mean you put on the yellow rubber gloves and get the toilet brush. No. It means, you get a machete and cut the hell out of everything around you!!! YESSSS!!! So..I sharpened a machete and went out to cut down trees and "grasses" with my family. It was hot, I was sweaty, I got blisters on my hand...but...we cleared all that land!!

Then...really cool cultural note: As we were walking home my oldest brother, Mowaath, called me over and gave my a long green branch. He explained that since I didn't have a basket to carry my machete (like him) I have to cover it with a green branch. This is to signify (vocabulary word!!) that I am going in peace...not going to cut someone into pieces!! If you don't carry the branch apprently word goes out that you are on a rampage and getting ready to kill someome or hurt them. The thing is...that happens here!! I have heard of a few people getting cut to pieces sashimi style for one reason or another. Green branch..."Naw...I'm cool!! I am just cleaning my garden or my family "land pieces."

So...all in all, that was a super fun experience!! Then, I came home and I made my Yapese family, southern style banana pudding (pronounced puddin'). Not the butchest thing ever...but fun nonetheless!! It was really quick and really, really good! I want to give a shout out to my cousin Karen for helping me out with that! was SO tasty!! The cool thing was made with FRESH bananas. Now...who there can tell me they have eaten a banana off the tree?!?!!? HMMM?!!? HMM!!!?!?!? to the really funny, super silly, not butch side. But before that...another funny song story. My bother, 16, is into music videos. So the other day he was singing something and I couldn't figure it out. I have heard him sing this a few times and I just assumed it was in He was sining, "Gramolous." Instead of G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S...he mixed it up..and was just singing it with all he had...I started laughing (which I really need to stop) and I said.."Ray, It's Glamorous!!! Glamour, fame...that kinda stuff." His response, "That's what I said!"

Then we move onto another fun song and the main reason for this blog. Other than just showing I am a big old girl sometimes....HA. We listened to a song called, "Hot 'n Cold" by Katy Perry. I have heard my brothers sing it around the house..but I hadn't heard of it before I left the U.S. Of course I had heard, "I Kissed A Girl" Barry and I used to sing that all the time and had so much fun with it during our Froot Loops! Well...I love this song even more. The reason is twofold: the amazing video, and the dance routine that me and my sixteen year old brother have made to it.

The Video--WATCH IT!!

It's so good...Katy Perry and her jilted Bride friends get into all sorts of crazy situations chasing her finance that ran away from the altar. I mean..I feel like there is a nod to Madonna in there. And the little girl that is WORKING the hula-hoop near the end of the video...just awesome. And not to mention Katy Perry is HOT. I have heard that she is described as a Brunette Barbie! I mean that dancing is super fun and who doesn't like brides riding on old school bikes chasing a man in a tux??

Our Dance Routine---I wish you could watch it!!

So..for the Chorus Katy Perry sings:

'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down

You're wrong when it's right
You're black when it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up

You don't really wanna stay no
You don't really wanna Go-o

So for --you're hot then your cold----we use a fan with our hands then we shiver!
--yes and no--we shake our heads no then nod yes
--in and out--we point our fingers to us then away from us
--up and down--fingers up...fingers down---or for flair...palm up and down
And so on...

We do all this while we are just laughing and singing pretty much at the top of of lungs! Please don't tell me I have corrupted my Yapese bother?!! HAHA...but come on..the song is GREAT! So...there is my world of duality is Yap just like Katy Perry's!! I machete then super dance. I'm banana pudding and spearfishing!!

I miss all of you!! Listen to that song...think of me!!

Love, D

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