Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who's A Queen?? (Oh you got that right!!)

A picture of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII.

So...I just finished reading, "The Other Boleyn Girl"...good god!! I LOVED it. was like reading a Soap Opera. I couldn't stop!!! Now, I have never been one for history...especially pre-Elizabethan-Tudor era history but...I loved this book!

So..after devouring all the pages and being completely captivated, I have to say, it's sort of like living in Yap minus the glamour. Here, gossip is all the rage! For example, people have started to talk about me behind my back here at school! Remember Yap only has about 8,000 people on its main word does travel quickly...very quickly! It has gone around that I scolded (yes...we say that here) two teachers for not speaking English in class. Which class? ENGLISH class!!

I felt badly for awhile. I know the exact conversation in question. I was asked, "Should we translate for the kids"? I acidly shot back, "No, if we stopped translating all the time these kids would actually be able to use English." Now...I must say, I did feel bad about it. The second it left my mouth I realized it came out rather harsher than I wanted it to. Yet, the truth still remains...these kids must speak English and hear English to learn it. You can't teach English by speaking Yapese!!

It's incredibly frustrating when it takes 6th and 7th graders MINUTES of wait time to answer a simple question. For me, I feel as though I am waiting for Godot! I want to help improve these kids and "at court" I am chastised for laying down a little structure in an otherwise unstructured environment. Now..just a thought...isn't that my job here?!?!?!

Maybe I am being to flippant...but I just want to scream. I want to be used in such a way that I can help the kids. It's enormously frustrating to take a back-seat, in English class, and hear nothing but Yapese with an American, I, in the room!

So...maybe I am being too much like Queen Anne. She vehemently went for what she wanted and crushed those who opposed her. I don't want that...but I do want English to be spoken in ENGLISH class! Is that really too much to ask? If so, what AM I doing here? I could be doing the same job in America!!?

Tell friends, family, I being to dramatic here? Am I being too much of a (pardon the pun) drama queen? I would love to hear your input on the matter. And, if you get a chance, your thoughts on "The Other Boleyn Girl".

Otherwise, things are going well. I am looking a graduate school programs in teaching and that is very exciting. I miss my family and friends dearly. One of my best friends in the world, Cara, just had a birthday...and I am very sad I missed it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARA! I have also been thinking about my tattoo twin, Sibel, and wondering how she would deal with this English dilemma? Or how another wonderful friend, Amanda would teach in the environment.

I understand the Peace Corps is not easy....god...don't I know it. But, small successes within the school, other than with the students, would be nice. Eventually, I WILL leave. I am not going to stay on Yap forever and I want the teachers to be able to have more knowledge and strategies at their disposal. The Peace Crops calls that sustainability and it's a really great idea! Does it work in practice...the jury is still out...but when the axe falls, I won't have a definite answer.

Anyway, my rant is over for now. Any responses would be so very helpful. To end on a lighter note...don't you just love Anne's Ugly Betty Necklace? I don't think I will ever be able to see Betty the same way again! Now there is a show I miss!

Much love,

1 comment:

Sue and Rick said...

If you liked The Other Boelyn, you must watch the Showtime series "The Tudors". It is excellent and far better. They made the Other Boelyn girl into a movie that was poor. The series really is good. Remember, this is your Mother's history. It is quite facinating how it all came about. Remember also that if it weren't for the lust of King Henry VIII, protestantism would not have had the support and maybe not be as powerful as it is today. Henry VIII wanted a divorce from Catherine of Aragon but the Vatican would not grant it. Henry VIII embraced the protestant movement, established the Church of England with him as it's head and forced everyone to swear allegiance to the new Church. One of Henry's closest advisors, Sir Thomas More, an attorney and devout catholic, could not swear such allegiance and was beheaded. He is now the patron saint of attorneys. Do a Wikipedia search for the whole story but the current queen and royal family are actual decendents of Henry VIII. His children with Catherine, Mary I, was deemed by Henry VIII not to be a legitimate heir or decendent to the throne. As you know, Queen Mary did but she had to be legitimized by parlament. Ahh,it is good to be the king.

Don't be too harsh on speaking english in english class. I don't know about you but we did not speak french all of the time in french class.

Hope all is well.